Enneagram Workshop: The Ongoing Journey of Self-Discovery
8:45 am to 4:00 pm
Cost: $65
Presenter: JoAnne McElroy, MA, Life Coach/Spiritual Director
Whether you are new to the Enneagram or have been a student for many years, this expanded workshop invites you to explore the gifts of the Enneagram and dive deeper into the insights of each type through self-reflection, curiosity and compassion. The Enneagram is a powerful tool for self awareness, acceptance and transformation that is an ongoing learning experience. Learn your type, discover your strengths and self-limiting habits and explore the ways they impact your life. Take an honest look at yourself. This workshop will cover topics beyond typing through invitations to find all types within you, your relationship to others and ways to delve deeper into the journey.
Workshop will be held both inside and outside at Healing Gardens. Please dress for the weather and bring a sack lunch. Snacks and drinks will be provided. If inclement weather, the workshop will be taught inside. Register early for this popular workshop.
Once registered, please send email to deb@dmarqui.com or call or text to 630-740-2597, with your name & phone number to confirm your registration.